Tuesday, August 28, 2012


It feels like Friday!  We were up early on Sunday and drove to Toronto (2 1/2 hours) to celebrate our August birthdays.  We all met at DS1's apartment, then headed off to the Mandarin restaurant for their giant Chinese buffet.  We ate and chatted with DS1, DDIL 1 (birthday girl), DS2 (birthday boy), DDIL2, her sister, DH (also birthday boy)!  We always have a great time when we manage to get the whole group together.  We headed back to DS2's apartment, for more visiting, then had to load up the van and head home.  DDIL1 had been doing some clearing out and paring down, so we came home with 4 cases of wine bottles, for some DIY friends, a few things to donate to a local charity group, etc.
After arriving home, we had a late bowl of soup and a cup of tea, then gathered all the items for Monday's adventure before heading to bed.

Off again early Monday for a trip to Ottawa (2+hours).  Found our friends' new home, chatted with our Godson and family, had lunch, and before we knew it it was 3pm!
Said our farewells, then headed through town to visit some more friends.  They were stationed at Tyndall AFB when we were there, and she was one of the members of my first quilting group.  They are avid golfers, and when he retired from the air force, he took courses on repairing and building custom golf clubs.  While the girls caught up on all our family news, the guys headed to the workshop, where DH had a new shaft replaced on one of his favourite clubs.  (He hit a piece of the Canadian Shield- granite - during a game recently and the shaft snapped in two pieces!)  They hosted us to a lovely salmon dinner, and then we had to say good-bye and get back home.

There was a phone message waiting when we arrived home - DH had been asked to lead a group of friends in installing a hardwood floor in two bedrooms, and they had moved the date up to Tuesday - they had unexpected company coming the following week, so DH packed all his tools in the van before heading to bed.
Before he headed out this morning, he received a call about golf on Wednesday, so day two of flooring will be pushed to Thursday.  Then he had to call and move the Thursday appointment to get a minor repair on the van moved to Friday.  A friend called me, asking for some help on Friday afternoon - her only time off this week, and I forgot that our Godson, and his older sister and Dad are coming for a visit during the afternoon, and are staying for dinner!  His sister will be moving into her new place, so she is ready to begin her adventure at Queen's University on the following Monday!!!!   ARGHHH!

Our life is so simple, and having all this going on in one week is driving me crazy!!!!!

Now the good news - two of my plaid quilts made last winter are on Bonnie's blog!

Sorry for the rant!  Off to press the new fabric that I washed over the weekend, the more curved piecing for the border of the triangle twist quilt!  DH is gone all day, so no interruptions!

1 comment:

  1. Susan,

    Glad to hear you are busy ; )!! Just found this link in my travels and thought I would share!!




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