Saturday, November 1, 2014


We made the trip south in 2 1/2 days this time.  Didn't do any sightseeing along the way.  Day one was rainy until after 4pm, but no traffic slow-downs, accidents or anything else to slow us down.  Our only extra stop was for DH to pick up 2 amplifiers for his collection.  Day two we drove through some early morning fog through the Blue Ridge, but the leaf colours were beautiful.

Our house was welcoming and so were the neighbours when we arrived!  We have new neighbours across the street - great to see the house being loved after sitting empty for a while.  Now I have the task of unpacking.  The large totes are packed with a variety of items, so it is like going on a treasure hunt!
DH is doing some outside cleaning this morning.  My sewing room has to be cleaned, and the items stored there placed where they belong.  My sewing machine has an appointment for annual service on Monday, so that gives me time to get organized before the projects begin.  


  1. hope you didn't get any snow last night ?

    1. It is cool in the south today, but not that cold! DS said that they had snow flurries in Ontario today. I think we left just in time!


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